Facebook chat revisited

Earlier attempts at connecting Empathy (under Ubuntu) to the facebook chat have proven short-termed[1,2].

In a bizarre twist of fate, the people at Facebook have put on their white hats and done the right thing by exposing their chat functionality under the banner of XMPP/Jabber. There is an official guide with step-by-step instructions for a few specific clients and the general information needed to connect any other client.

There also exists a step-by-step guide for Empathy. Do note, that when adding the account, you want to “Reuse an existing account”, and not “Create a new account”.

I might come up with some cleaner instructions …

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2 Responses to “Facebook chat revisited”

  1. Facebook chat with Empathy under Ubuntu (Karmic) « Aslak Johansen’s Weblog Says:

    […] Facebook chat with Empathy under Ubuntu (Karmic) By aslakjohansen Update 2: New solution. […]

  2. Facebook chat with Empathy and Ubuntu « Aslak Johansen’s Weblog Says:

    […] Facebook chat with Empathy and Ubuntu By aslakjohansen Update 3: New solution. […]

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